Friday 9 September 2011


Getting rid of fat from the body, especially the lower abdominal area can be a tough task. Greater the fat you have accumulated in the lower stomach more difficult it becomes to get rid of it. A balanced diet and exercise can help cut down fat and give you the fitness you have always craved of!

Reduce carbohydrates
 Carbohydrates turn into fat when not used to release energy. So you should decrease the carbohydrate intake and increase the protein intake. Protein also cuts fat naturally.

Reduce calorie intake
This is the most effective method to reduce the overall fat content of your body. No matter where fat is accumulated in your body, a lesser calorie intake than required by your body will burn fat. In order to cover the deficiency of calories the body will naturally process the excess fat. But this method is beneficial only to a certain extent. A lot of starving can damage your central nervous system!

Consume less sugar
Foods loaded with sugar will give you nothing but a big tummy. Try to avoid eating high sugar containing foods like soda, cakes and pastries.

Foods with high sugar content

Start training
Training your chest, back, arms, shoulders and legs along with stomach exercises (crunches and leg raises) will shape up your whole body, build muscle and help reduce the appearance of your big belly. This is not a quick way to burn fat from your belly but will take a while.

Quit Drinking
Beer has very high calorie content, so you should avoid drinking it. If can’t avoid it then at least drink less beer. Other alcoholic drinks are often mixed with soda that has huge sugar content, so they should be avoided too. Apart from building up fat in the body, it has more serious health issues like liver damage and inflation of pancreas.

Be active
Daily swimming, jogging and walking is an excellent way to cut down fat from your mid section. Go on a jog in the morning and walk after meals instead of being lazy and watching TV all the time.

Combine your workout with cardio
This is a very effective method to lose fat. After working on your muscles, a 30 to 40 minutes cardio session can really boost up your fat burning program. Training your muscles then doing cardio will consume high amount of calories and thus, the body will use the excess fat for energy when it will lack in calories. Greater the intensity of cardio and muscle workout, greater will be the amount of calories burnt and vice versa.

Green Tea and Coffee
Consuming green tea on regular bases can burn fat and show results. Green tea is a very healthy tea as it contains many antioxidants that are good for your body.
Coffee contains caffeine that can convert fat into energy and eventually you lose weight.

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