Monday 12 September 2011

Injuries that can occur in the gym

Wrist sprain
Wrist sprain can be caused by lifting very heavy weight that stretches your hand towards your wrist.

Biceps Tendonitis
Biceps Tendonitis is usually caused by doing a lot of bicep curls in the gym.

Abdominal Strain
It mainly occurs due to a vigorous or a forceful activity.

Calf Strain
It is a strain that develops in your calf muscles mostly while training your calves by pushing up forcefully using your toes. It can also be caused during cardio while running or jogging.

Ankle Sprain
An ankle sprain can be caused when the ankle gets twisted will lifting heavy weight or while doing some other activity.

Lower Back Pain
It is the most common injury in the gym which is a result of lifting heavy weights. It occurs when the ligament that holds vertebra gets strained.

Finger Sprain
This sprain is caused in your finger when it is bent in some way that damages the ligaments.

Triceps Tendonitis
Triceps Tendonitis is caused by doing a lot of weight lifting and even during pushing something very heavy. It can also be caused when you fall on your hands.

Neck strain
Neck Strain can occur while doing shoulder exersizes or even when your neck stays in a certain position for a long time.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee)
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee) is a result of too much running, jogging or cycling in the gym. It occurs when the knee joint is overused.

Patellar Tendonitis  (Jumper's Knee)
This injury can be caused while doing a lot of cardiovascular exercises like cycling, jogging and running. It is also common in tennis and badminton players.

Lateral Epicondylitis  (Tennis Elbow)
This happens when the wrist extensors are overused and cause pain in the elbow.

Tips to avoid injuries in the gym
Always perform a warm-up before training at the gym.
Always concentrate on the workout in the gym.
Never roam around in the gym.
Always ask for assistance when doing very heavy weights.

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